What is Your Name, and what's the Story Behind Your Name? Let me be the first to share. My name now, is not my birth name. I was named Polly Anna by my mother who watched the Haley Mills movie "PollyAnna" right before I was born. That was in the 60's. Sounds like a cute name for a little girl in the 60's but try growing up with that name. I was teased relentlessly throughout my school years, and even in to high school. I was so sick of "Polly Want a Cracker" "Polly Wog" and many other cat-calls that I heard throughout my youth. When I became an adult (and a paralegal) I legally changed my name to Anna Claudia.
The story behind "Anna Claudia"... Well Anna was my middle name and it was a pretty neutral name so I changed it to my first name. "Claudia" was the first name of my great-grandmother who had such a positive influence on me as a child. We actually called her Grandma Claud, instead of Claudia. She was such a strong figure that we called her husband Grandpa Claud, poor guy didn't even have his own identitiy, lol. She passed away before I became an adult but I still think of her at least a few times a week, to this very day. It makes my heart smile every time I tell someone that my name is Anna Claudia.
So What's the Story Behind YOUR Name?
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Well my name is Nancy Joye. My mom had picked out a boy and a girl name that she just liked for me. SO it was Nancy or Timothy. My middle name is Joye after my mom. Her name is Joye Ellen and my grandmother's name is Mavis Joye. So its a family name. I didn't really like my middle name growing up, but now I do because it comes from my mom. When and if I have a girl her middle name will be Joye also. Guess there is more history around my middle name.
ReplyDeleteThat's nice Nancy Joye that you, your mom & grandmother all share a name. Men get to be Jr, so why not the ladies too?