We have totally re-vamped our Shipping Fee Structure! When our customers -current, past, and future - give us feedback, we listen!
Here is what they have been telling us:
- I love to shop without worrying about what the shipping fee's might be.
- I Love Free or Very Low Shipping fee's.
- I hate surprises at checkout!
- I really hate to have to jump through the hoops of check-out (entering my address, etc) after adding each and every item to my shopping cart, just to keep tabs on what the shipping charges are going to be.
So we took all of this feedback into consideration, crunched some numbers to see what we could afford to do, and we did some brainstorming over the last several weeks. Although we can not afford to offer Free Shipping on all orders, this is what we did come up with...
Flat-Rate $6.95 Shipping!
Regardless of how full your Shopping Bag is.
So now, whether you spend $20.00 or $200.00 at The Baby Store Plus, you are not going to pay one penny more than $6.95 in shipping fee's. Now you can shop to your hearts content and not have to worry about how much the shipping fee's are going to be. No surprises at checkout. You don't have to keep playing with quantities in the shopping cart, trying to get the shipping fee within a range you can afford. You will know that your shipping fee will never be more than $6.95!
Before putting this new shipping rate structure into play, we had to first think of all of the possible "What-ifs," and address those concerns in the best way we could. Here are some of those concerns:
What if I am only purchasing a small item that would normally ship for less than $4.00??? What we decided to do was make our most popular, light-weight products Ship for Free! You can find those items listed in our New "FREE SHIPPING" Category. When you order any of those light-weight, popular products, you will incur Zero Shipping Charges! Of course once you add at least one other item not in this category to your cart, then you will incur the Flat-Rate $6.95 Shipping Charge for that total order.
What if the light-weight item I want to purchase is Not one of your 'Most Popular' items listed in the 'Free Shipping' Category? We have thought of that as well and we created a Special 1st Class Mail rate of $3.95 for any order total with a total shipping weight under 13 oz, (of products NOT listed in our 'Free Shipping' Category), then the shipping fee will be reduced to just $3.95. Once the total weight of the order goes over 13 oz, then the shipping fee will be the Flat-rate $6.95.
Some large online stores offer 'So-Called Free Shipping for orders over $25.00', but they take forever to ship the order unless I pay for shipping...Will my order with The Baby Store Plus be shipped by the slowest method possible since I am only paying $6.95 in shipping fee's? No! First of all, we will still process and ship your order within 1 business day, just as we have been doing. The method of shipment will be our choice, however we want you to receive your order as quickly as possible so we will look at all shipping methods available to us, be it Parcel Post, Priority Mail, or FedEx. In 90% of the cases, Parcel Post and Priority Mail rates are pretty close. If we see that it will cost us an extra $1.00 more for Priority Mail over Parcel Post, then we always pay up and choose Priority Mail. We also compare Priority Mail and FedEx for any order over 4lbs. If the prices are pretty close, we choose FedEx in most instances.
However, if you need an order FAST! you will still have the option of selecting (and paying for) an Expedited Service such as USPS Express Mail, FedEx Express, or FedEx Express Saver. NOTE: Any products listed under the "Free Shipping" Category will only be shipped by 1st Class Mail. If you need one of those items shipped via an Expedited Service, please contact us for a special rate calculation.
What about shipping outside of the lower 48 US States such as Alaska or Hawaii...will our shipping charges be higher? Nope! This Flat-Rate $6.95 Shipping Charge will cover all orders shipped anywhere in the US and it's territories. We will even ship to military addresses (APO's and NPO's) at this same rate, because we love and support our soldiers and their families!
So, how about some feedback?? What do you think about our New Shipping Fee Structure? Does it satisfy all (or most) of your concerns with regard to shipping charges for online shopping? Share your thoughts by
emailing me :)
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