As you know, we recently retired and closed The Baby Store Plus. Our plan was to sell the remaining inventory on ebay as time permits over the next several months, but just like all good (or not so good) plans, sometimes they don't work out the way we hope and we have to move on to Plan B.
It seems that ebay has made so many changes to their selling rules that it makes my head spin. I began listing some items there and just got very frustrated with the way things are running now, not to mention that the fee's for sellers has increased so much that I can't keep the price of the items as low as I wanted to, and therefore I couldn't give our shoppers as good a deal (or steal) as I had hoped to.
SOOOOOO, here is Plan B:
~ Over the next couple of weeks I am going to add our remaining inventory back to The Baby Store Plus website at or below cost. I am not going to go back to work like I did before, instead I am going to ship only one day each week. I have chosen Wednesdays as the one day each week that I will process and ship orders. I don't think waiting until a Wednesday to have your order shipped is too much to ask, especially since you will be getting the items at wholesale prices or below.
*Note about shipping days: In the event that we will be away on any particular Wednesday, I will ship all current orders prior to our departure, then I will post our anticipated return date on the website, just below our header image. I will then ship all new orders when we return, and resume regular Wednesday shipping schedule again.
~ I am going to charge a flat-rate shipping fee of just $5.00 for ALL Orders, regardless of the total. This will help to cover a small portion of the shipping fee's that we will incur to ship your order. I feel that this is reasonable and fair, especially if you purchase lots of items because you are still going to save way more than you would shopping anywhere else.
~ I will be doing an inventory count of each item as it is made available on the website...this means that if you see it listed on the website, you know for sure that it is available at the time of purchase, with the exception of if you and another shopper both buy the same item, at the exact same time...then only one of you will get that item, but I will notify you via email if this happens.
This is your chance to really save some hard earned money on your Christmas Shopping!
Please, Please, Please, share this with your friends, families, co-workers, followers, & fans. We want to move the last of this inventory out as fast as we can and I could really use your help to do that.
To keep you updated of our newest available listings you can subscribe to our stores inventory feeds by Clicking HERE or on the feed link found on our website.

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