Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our New Safe & Secure Credit Card Processing System is Ready to Use!

Our credit card processing system has been undergoing major surgery the last few days.  The New system is now up and running smoothly.  We have done several tests of the new system to assure it is working properly.  We apologize for any inconveniences that you may have experienced in the past with our old, outdated system.
No More Outdated Credit Card Processing!

We now have Safe, Seamlessly Smooth, Credit Card Processing available in our online store.  We no longer have to delay order processing by calling you for your CCV (credit card verification) number after you placed your order.  It is now all handled right on our secure website thanks to, our new Credit Card Processing Gateway.

We can now accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Cards, as well as all Debit Cards with any of these symbols on them.  We have temporarily disabled Paypal payments while we allow everyone the ability to experience our new system that is as safe and secure as Paypal. Don't worry devoted Paypal users, we will be re-enabling Paypal again soon, we just want everyone to try the new system for a while.  With the use of a Credit Card Processing Gateway and our SSL Security Encryption Service your credit card information is totally safe.  We never even see your credit card numbers ourselves, and any information entered on our website is safely encrypted before it it sent to the processing company, so you can shop and pay with peace of mind.

It was a bit of a stressful few days setting up the new system but well worth the effort and additional costs to provide the best, safest, and smoothest shopping experience for our valued customers. I appreciate your understanding and patience that you provided us with the old-fashion processing service we had to use before, while we were researching and setting up the best services available.  I hope you like the new service and will now feel completely safe & secure shopping in our store, knowing that we have your best interest at the top of our list.

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