This post is for our local area mama friends. I want to tell you about an amazing Mama in our community that I recently had the pleasure of meeting. Her name is Melisa. She is the mother of 3 kids ages 7, 9, and 10. She is also the owner of
Amazing Memories Photography here in Cortez.
Even though Melisa and her business are right here in Cortez, I discovered her on, an internet community website
which I belong to. By accident one day I noticed that one of my BuzzTown friends had become a fan of her business. So I clicked on her link and saw the most Amazing Baby Pictures. They were not your typical poses and backgrounds. One of the pictures that really caught my attention was of a baby sleeping peacefully on the petal of a beautiful, vividly colored flower.
I continued to browse her portfolio and decided that I just had to get her to take my grandkids pictures. I figured the pictures would probably be expensive because they obviously took more time and attention in designing each picture. I went to her website to see what
her prices were like. To my amazement they were totally reasonable! Now I was hooked. I sent an email to her through the
BuzzTown system and we arranged a time for me to stop by her studio to talk to her a bit more about her photography business.
The next morning I stopped at her studio, which is at 317 East Main Street, Suite B, right across from the Mr Happy Bakery. I found Melisa to be a very genuine person who seemed to be comfortable in her own skin. The type of person who you just feel at ease with when you are in her company. She showed me how she creates these amazing photographs with the use of what is called Chromakey (green screen) photography, which is exactly that, a green colored background screen. The subject sits, stands, or lays in front of the 'green screen' and she takes their picture. Then later in her at her computer she puts different backgrounds in where the green color was. With this technology she can put any scene she wants in the background, and even make it look like you are part of the background. Besides the fact that this type of photography allows her to be more creative, it also means that she doesn't have to have a bunch of expensive props in her studio. That means that she saves money on props and studio space. Melisa passes these savings on to her customers by offering affordable package pricing. Okay, enough technical talk...take a look at these Amazing Photographs she created of my grandchildren.
In this photo the kids were looking into a fish bowl. Melisa told them there was a tiny goldfish in the bowl so they were both looking for it. Russell of course went fishing for it. Later, at her computer, Melisa added the orange goldfish. When we showed this photo to Sydney, she couldn't believe that now she could see the goldfish that she doubted existed a few days earlier when she was getting her picture taken.

This is one of my favorite photos with Sydney looking like she is inside the glass globe. I will cherish this picture forever.

Here is a sweet picture of Russell sitting in an old wash tub. As you can tell by looking at these photos, you don't have to worry about getting just the right shot of your child, in just the perfect pose. You capture your child just having fun getting his picture taken, then Melisa adds the extras that make the photo so special and unique.

The kids didn't even get cranky like they usually do when told to put their hand here and their foot there, and hold still while the photographer snaps a shot. As a matter of fact, Russell had so much fun that he developed quite a crush on Melisa. Two days later when she brought the images to the store for me to pick the ones I wanted, Russell immediately recognized her and ran up and hugged her legs then started saying "up, up" indicating that he wanted her to pick him up. She obliged him and received a really big hug in return.
I was so impressed with Melisa, her work, the fantastic prices, and the truly Amazing Photographs that we now proudly display in our store. I love them so much that I wanted to tell all of my mama friends in the local area about her. I asked Melisa if she would mind if I did a feature on her in our Weekly Highlights email and she was so delighted that she offered to give my readers a Special Gift.
She will give anyone who purchases ANY size photo package, a FREE 8 x 10 standard photo, just tell her that Anna from The Baby Store Plus recommended her.If you are wondering what a 'standard' photo is, the picture below is an example of her standard photo, although standard is not the word I would use to describe this is actually Sydney's favorite of all of the pictures. Basically, it is any photo with a standard background, not the photos above where she has digitally inserted additional images -those take a lot more time to create. We can't expect Melisa to make this great of an offer indefinitely, so this offer will only be good through September. I suggest that you
give Melisa a call (970-565-8636 or 970-739-9455) right away, to schedule an appoint to make some Amazing Memories with your children.

Here are a few more photos...

These are definitely not pictures that will end
behind next years photos. I think Melisa named her business accurately...
Amazing Memories Photography is exactly what she does.

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