On the World Wide Web (Internet):
If you are an organization that offers services to parents within the US or online and would like to be included in this resource directory, we would love to include you.
Here is what you need to do: First I ask that you grab our button and post it to your website or blog that you would like included in this list. Then send me an email requesting that we add you to our Online Resources Directory. Inlcude the URL where our button is posted. We will visit your site to verify that our button is there and to make sure that your content is appropriate for inclusion in this Resource Directory. Once approved we will grab your URL and information that we include here with your Button, Logo, or other image that you provide. Please email your information to me at anna@thebabystoreplus.com
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The site is fairly new, but I think they already have lots of great articles and will serve as a great resource for new moms as the grow.
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Inside Colorado:

Traveling with young children? Granny's Traveling Closet would like to make your trip a lot less stressful. If you will be staying anywhere near Colorado Springs then you should get in touch with Ann to see all of the great children's gear that she has available to rent.
With the airlines ever increasing fee's for luggage and extra baby & toddler equipment, it can get very expensive, not to mention cumbersome, traveling with small children. But Ann has everything you will need in her large inventory of quality, clean, safe strollers, baby carriers, toys, blow-up toddler beds, Pack n Play's, cribs, highchairs, exersaucers, toys and even car seats available to rent. With delivery and reasonable daily or weekly rental packages you are sure to find just the right items to make your visit to grandmas a lot more fun!
Granny's Traveling Closet is located in Monument Colorado, just north of Colorado Springs and can be reached at 1-877-488-2656, or visit her website for more information.
If you use these services, please let them know that you heard about them at The Baby Store Plus Blog site.
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