The First Annual Montezuma County Early Childhood Health Fair will be on Saturday, April 24th from 9am to 2pm. The Fair is geared to parents & their children age Birth to 5 years. Lots of Fun and Free Services will be available, such as $20 Car Seats, $5 Bike Helmets, Entertainment, Door Prizes, Make & Take Activities for the kids, and...
We will have demo Moby's available for you to try on. If you already have a Moby Wrap but haven't used it because you didn't know how to wrap it on, No Problem, just bring it with you and we will Wrap You Up! You will Love comfortably carrying your little one while having your hands free during the Early Childhood Fair events.

We will be sharing a booth with our Favorite Charity, The NEST a Child Advocacy Center, so you can also learn how BabyWearing (attachment parenting) can reduce the likelihood of child abuse in your family. Plus, pick up a FREE Coloring Book Set for your child & make a donation to the NEST for a chance to Win a FREE Deuter Kid Comfort II Backpack Child Carrier!
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