Are You a Mommy-To-Be or a New Mommy of a baby 6 months or under and live in the Four-Corners Area??? Then Stop by
The Baby Store Plus to pick up a
FREE Mommy-To-Be Gift Bag!!The Baby Store Plus, in cooperation with the below mentioned companies, are giving out
"Mommy-To-Be Gift Bags" to all pregnant and brand new moms. If you are now pregnant, or have a baby under 6 months old, stop by The Baby Store Plus and
"Show us your Belly or your Baby" to receive a FREE Gift Bag filled with samples, information, & coupons specifically designed for pregnant & new moms.
Absolutely no purchase required to receive a gift bag, it is just our little way of saying, "CONGRATULATIONS!"
We have a limited number of bags available so don't delay!
We would like to Offer a Huge 'Thank You' to the Generous Contributors:
Boppy, Inc stuffed our Gift Bags with a
Free Boppy Pillow Slipcover (fits any Boppy Nursing Pillow) and Boppy Booklet to show you all of their Boppy Products.
We added a Coupon good In-Store for $2.00 Off of a Boppy Pillow.
Medela, Inc stuffed our Gift Bags with a Sample (4-pack) of Medela Disposable Nursing Bra Pads; a Breastmilk is Best
Pumping Log Book; an Intimate Apparel Booklet to help you learn about all of the Medela Bra's and a guide to help you get the Perfect Fitting Nursing Bra; a
Breastmilk Storage Guidelines fridgie magnet; Breastfeeding Information Guide booklet; Breastmilk Collection & Storage instruction sheet; Breast Care instruction sheet; "The Nursing Mom Shopping List" Check-off sheet; Breastpumps Information Guide; and a What to Look for in a Breastpump information guide.
We added a Coupon good in-store for 10% Off Medela Nursing Pads.
NoseFrida, The SnotSucker stuffed our Gift Bags with a product information card and an
entry ticket in a drawing to WIN a Free NoseFrida of your own!
(fill out the entry ticket and drop it at The Baby Store Plus before April 30th -drawing on May 1st). Visit their website at to learn more about this really cool device!
Hot Mama Gowns stuffed our Gift Bags with an information card that contains a
coupon code to receive 20% Off of Your Entire Order at stuffed our Gift Bags with a
Fridgie Magnet to remind you that Community Support is available for women with
High-Risk Pregnancy or pregnant women on Bed Rest, to prevent Pre-Term Births. Visit their website at to join the community!
BoogieWipes stuffed our Gift Bags with a Sample Great Grape Scented Boogie Wipe with Gentle Saline for Stuffy Noses. BoogieWipes are also available at our store, or if you are not in the local area we also have them
available in our online store.
First Candle stuffed our Gift Bags with a Free
MAM 'The ABC's of Safe Sleep' Pacifier & an informational brochure to learn more about Reducing the Risk of SIDS and Sleep-Realated Infant Deaths.

The Baby Store Plus also stuffed the Gift Bags with a 2 pack Sample of
Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads; a
1 gram Sample of Lansinoh Lanolin for sore, dry, cracked nipples; a
Coupon for use in-store to Save 10% on Lansinoh Nursing Pads; a
Coupon for use in-store to Save 10% on Any Brand of Nursing Cover we carry, which includes
Hooter Hiders,
BeBe au Lait, and
Sprout Shell; we also included -though in limited quantities, so these may not be in every bag:
Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Tea Samples,
Rainbow Light Prenatal One All Natural Vitamin Sample; and Rainbow Light Baby Powdered Vitamins.
The "Mommy-To-Be Gift Bags" cannot be shipped. Please stop by The Baby Store Plus any time, Monday thru Friday 10am to 6pm and on Saturdays 11am to 5pm to pick one up. Limit one per person.
Because we only have a limited number of Gift Bags we ask that you stop by The Baby Store Plus yourself and "Show us your Belly or your Baby" to receive a FREE Gift Bag!© 2009-2010 The Baby Store Plus, All Rights Reserved
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